Our worship to God is simple and reverent following the pattern found in the New Testament. Jesus said, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24).” We believe this scripture teaches that God is the object of our worship and that how we worship Him should be governed by His truth and offered in spirit from the heart. Each Sunday in our worship service we are led in congregational (acappella) singing, prayers are offered, the Lord’s Supper (communion) is observed, a sermon is delivered, and an offering taken. (Visitors are not expected to give unless they so choose.) Visitors to our services will receive a friendly welcome but will never be singled out or made to feel uncomfortable. Our worship times are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.



 We offer Bible classes for all ages beginning with infants six months old through adult. The Cradle Roll class is a favorite of young parents with children six months to two years old. This provides children the opportunity to grasp at a very early age the beautiful principles of God (God loves me, God made me, God made the animals, the Bible is God’s book, etc.). The children’s attention is kept through lots of singing, interacting, and the use of colorful toys that serve as visual aids for the lessons. This class, plus the classes for older children, free the parents to attend the adult class. All classes are forty-five minutes in length and are conducted at 9:30 on Sunday morning and 7:00 on Wednesday evening. There is also an adult class that meets each Thursday morning at 10:00. We believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God and thus our only rule of faith and practice. The Biblical text is the focal point of each class.



 Our Sunday morning service is held in the traditional auditorium setting, but the Sunday evening service is conducted in the fellowship hall. It consists of a fifteen-minute devotional period with singing, prayers, offering the Lord’s Supper to those who were unable to be present for the morning service, and then, in lieu of the sermon, a forty-five-minute Bible study is conducted. The discussion format of the class allows for anyone to ask a question, answer a question, or make a comment, or just remain silent and listen to what is being said. No one will ever be directly asked to answer a question or make a comment. All participation is voluntary.


Our annual Vacation Bible School, directed by Hannah Daniels, is the highlight of our summer calendar. It is always a big hit with the children and is open to the community. It features Bible stories, singing, crafts, games, snacks, snow cones, fun, fun, fun! “VBS 2023” will be held Thursday, June 22nd—6:30-9:00 p.m., Friday, June 23rd—6:30-9:00 p.m. (with dinner provided each evening) and Saturday, June 24th—10:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. (with lunch provided). This year’s theme is: “Twists and Turns: Jesus Changes the Game”. Our VBS is designed for children ages 4-12 years. Children can be registered by calling the church office (740-927-0086) or by email: (pataskalacofc@aol.com).