Our Core Beliefs:
1. We believe that there is one God and that He is the creator and sustainer of all creation.
2. We believe in the Godhead consisting of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
3. We believe that the Bible (both Old and New Testaments) is the inspired, inerrant word of God.
4. We believe that the New Testament is the rule of authority for the Lord’s church today.
5. We believe that Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God, born of a virgin.
6. We believe that Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah and Savior of the world.
7. We believe in the doctrine of Heaven and Hell and that both are eternal.
8. We believe that man is saved by God’s grace and man’s faith.
9. We believe that saving faith includes obedience and trust.
10. We believe that Jesus established and died for one church, revealed in the New Testament.
11. We believe that God created male and female equal in every way.
12. We believe that God assigned different roles to male and female, with the leadership role in the home and the church assigned to the male.
13. We believe that baptism (by immersion) is essential for forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation.
14. We believe that the Lord’s Supper (communion) should be observed every Sunday in the worship assembly, following the New Testament example of the first-century church.
15. We believe that congregational singing in the worship service should be acappella (without instrumental accompaniment) following the teachings of the New Testament and the example of the first-century church.
16. We believe that the purpose of the church is to glorify God and provide fellowship for His people.
17. We believe that the mission of the church is to share the good news of the gospel with a lost world and to serve our fellowman.
18. We believe that God devised a plan of salvation to save mankind.