Evangelism is the mission of the Lord’s church. Jesus charged His disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature…(Mark 16:15).” We emphasize the importance of each Christian looking for opportunities to share his faith with others. As a congregation we are focusing on making the church and the message of Christ more visible in the community through the direct mailing of House to House/Heart to Heart (housetohouse.com) to every household in our zip code. This publication which is filled with Biblical teaching that is presented in a relevant way, is published bi-monthly. Also, we prayerfully and financially support the Gospel Broadcasting Network (gbntv.org) which broadcasts the gospel message around the world via cable and satellite TV as well as the internet. We also offer the community the opportunity for home Bible studies upon request. Requests can be made by phone (740-927-0086) or by email (pataskalacofc@aol.com). There is no cost or obligation.